Lecture by Svetlana Aleksijevitsj
Where is literature today – and tomorrow? What is the power of literature in offering empathy and fresh perspectives? In creating a space and a voice for those that are silenced? Does literature have the force to tackle the material and interpersonal challenges that we are faced with? Can it address the human condition and the future of human kind?
Nobel Laureate Svetlana Alexievitch is one of the writers who will visit the House of Literature this fall, to explore these questions from her unique point of view.
In the five volume work Voices from Big Utopia, she examines the Russian-Soviet experience. History is often arrogant, says Alexievitch. She finds the stories that are excluded when the official history is written. Her novels are polyphonic, yet you can always discern the individual voices in the choir. They express the voices of humanity, the individual stories as well as the universal and eternal.
To mark our ten year anniversary, the House of Literature looks ahead. This fall, we have invited several writers who will shed light on these questions from their unique points of view; writers who, through their writing and work, in different ways approaches these themes, and offers a means to better understand our history and the world that we live in, through words, art and literature.
The lecture will be held in Russian, and will be interpreted into Norwegian.
In order to accommodate an expected large turnout, free tickets will be made available
Free. Free Tickets available from 21. august kl. 09.00 Litteraturhuset Wergeland http://litteraturhuset.ticketco.no/litteraturens_framtid_paa_leting_etter_det_frie_individ_foredrag_ved_svetlana_aleksijevitsj Litteraturens framtid